Coach, tee work is boring! Little secret, it’s the key to success.

When I was younger I never saw the value in batting tee work. Sure we did it all the time in practice but I thought it was annoying. I just wanted to hit live pitching! That’s the fun part. It is funny how my attitude has shifted over the course of time as I learned the science of hitting. I now find myself doing tee work before all live hitting. It allows me to hone all of my mechanics and quickly isolate focus areas that may have slipped into bad habits.

What changed my mind? THE RESULTS!

How many coaches sit on a bucket, wait for you to swing and then replace the ball without any analysis? Sometimes if feels like a competition of how many balls they can put on tee in under a minute! It’s rapid-fire swinging but you’re not really getting anything out of the drill. It felt like I was training to chop down a tree. Most of the time it just reinforces bad habits. I never understood the point or saw how this translated to live pitching. Coach, can I please hit live pitching now?

Coach, can I please hit live pitching now?

Once I started to train with former professional MLB players I quickly realized that tee work was the best place to develop elite hitting habits. The hitting motion is a coordinated dance between your upper and lower body. It is poetry in motion.

Poetry in motion

Slight deviations in a swing can determine success or failure at the plate. These deviations (bad habits) could creep up at any time and most of the time there isn’t a reason why. The batting tee allows you to break every aspect of your swing down. During tee-sessions, If you’re not strategically focusing on a target area, you really aren’t accomplishing anything. This led me to develop the REFLEX SWING PROGRAM which uses tee work as a core and critical success component regardless of talent level. The REFLEX SWING PROGRAM combines proper swing mechanics, real-time feedback, self-awareness and a quality over quantity approach.

Learn more about the REFLEX SWING PROGRAM and I also recommend purchasing a Tanner Tee if you are serious about training. I have used my fair share and the quality and durability of this tee is unsurpassed.

– Jacob Lowery